Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Weekend at G&G Welk's

Well, we had a great weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Welk's house. (Casey had to work, so the kids and I went). I did a card workshop for my mom and it went awesome. Mom had a good turn out! And I think this weekend felt more like thansgiving for me. We made popcorn balls, the kids carved pumpkins, Jada had an itty bitty tea party with this fancy cup. (Can you see it?) Mom had some great friends over for supper and we had PUMPKIN PIE!!!! yum. My favorite. Plus there was cherry pie, saskatoon pie, cranberry apple pie, pizza, taco salad, fancy salads....oh the food went on and on and it was so great

The boys made this little car out of paper and wheels and inserted a balloon to the back and made it propell across the floor. It worked, somewhat!!
Grandpa made a pumpkin house in their barn, and the kids got to pick their pumpkin for carving at home. Jada was the only one who came out with me to pick, so she is the only one with a picture. At first she wasnt too sure about going inside all those bales! But then Grandma came in and it was good! Jada picked the smallest pumpkin in their. It is her baby now!

1 comment:

Colleen said...

WOW that looks like so much fun!!