Friday, May 30, 2008

My Poor Eye & Baseball games & Rhyme

Okay I am whining now. I just woke up to my eye being gooped shut, red, swollen and burning sore. I took my contacts out and hopefully it feels better tomorrow to put it back in. I see the eye doc again on Mon. and he wants them in for 3 full days before that, so I am pushing it now.

Oh and Eric had a baseball game in Maple Creek last night and they did awesome. Won by a landslide. I forget the score. Did some shopping at Bargain SHop and Fields (love them) and found Jada a Dora tent. Jada & Lexi have been playing hard since she woke up.

And Rhyme insisted on bringing me her kittens this morning at 615. She brought me 3 in my bed, and so I moved her 'bed' to my room and she is now happy with that, but she was howling this morning and wanting outside. I sure hope she isnt in heat and wanting some action. AHHHHH!!! She left me with the babies so she could go out and galavant. What a chicky!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

the Library

Well, we went for a walk tonight for something to do (since Casey is working again and I'm tired of sitting in the house) and we found that the library was open. So in we go, Eric complaining that he doesnt like to read, blah blah, Sara excited and wanting to know where her books would be, and Jada just eyes wide with all the books to choose from.

We leave the library with Eric having found a REALLY COOL book about Naruto (some cartoon show that he like to watch on YouTube, since we have no TV) and it's a comic style, so he is pumped and downstairs reading away for like 40 minutes already. Sara got a book on slumber parties and is planning one in her head already I can tell. :o) Jada is in her bed and just 'reading' away and hasnt stopped talking about the library since we left. I think I found a jack-pot.

Now, I have taken them to the library before, dont get me wrong but it has been a year maybe since we last went, so my new goal is to encourage reading more and more through out the summer, so I will take them there more often. I HOPE!!!

Rhyme & her babies

So our cat, Rhyme, had her babies on May 23 in the evening. She had 5 kittens and they are so adorable. I had to play 'midwife' with the first one, which makes me so thankful for being so obsessed with researching on the internet. (Casey thought I was nuts for looking up all the info to be prepared)

So this is a picture of Rhyme maybe a week before her kittens where born. Eating, like always, she was eating.

And here are her 5 beautiful babies. (sorry the picture is so small, I will try to do better next time) The one on the far right is named Lily (if its a girl, I havent checked yet) and I think she will be our keeper, but time will tell which one is going to have the best attitude towards a two year old. :o)

Ok, Ok, Here I Am

So, Colleen was over today and she wanted me to start a blog, so here I am. Trying this out. I dont know how interesting my life is, but I hope I will be entertaining enough for those of you who might look at this. Oh and by "I", it really means me, Shayne, posting for my whole family (Casey, Eric, Sara, Jada too). So here I go.........