Last week, the kids and I went camping with my sister-in-law Cathy and her two girls, and Cathy's parents, Grandpa Bert & Grandma Alice. We went to Cypress Hills, Sask side and stayed in Cathy's new trailer. Very nice!!!
We went to Fort Walsh to have the grand tour. The drive there was really interesting. Signs said to go this way >>> to we followed. Little did we know that it was taking us on a back, dirt/rock trail. Very hard on the vehicles. But we did get close and personnal with some cows and even horses. I rolled down the window and pet one on the way by. Even honking the horn barely made them move. It was very scenic, but we did make it.(We took the pavement all the way back to Cypress)
We all had to ride down the hill in a school bus, which made Lexi & Jada very excited. Then at the actual Fort we were met by our guides. The kids went off to do their part of the tour, which turned out to look a lot more interesting than the adult tour. The kids got to dress up in serges and be RCMP officers, learn to march, arrest parents & take them to court, and run around on a scavenger hunt. We got to listen to a guy talk, and talk and talk and talk.
It was a beautiful day outside!!

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