Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Santa Came!!!

First I am going to back this train up a bit....and let you know what we did on Christmas Eve. I dont know why, but my camera never came with me anywhere and now I am sad about that. ANyway....

Christmas Eve we went out to Casey's Aunty Cheryl & Unlce Dennis's farm. This is where all the Harvey's convene for Christmas. We all love going out there. There are cousins of all ages to play with. Tons of food to be eaten. And card games to be played. So, we all enjoyed this evening of family time (it helped get the kids' minds off of the day going by so slooowwwwlllyyyy)

But Santa did arrive at our house. I have many pictures of the kids' faces when they saw what Santa brought. Neither of them asked for this, but man where they happy to have it. First they did go through their stockings and in them where "mock Wii controllers full of gum". This was their hint #1 but they didnt even clue in.Jada didnt get this gum. Her favoirte part of her stocking was the new Little Mermaid pj's in there. And her Webkins Reindeer. She has not let that reindeer go since she saw it. Eric & Sara helped Jada open her present from Santa first. SInce it was so big. It was a barbie house and she has so far loved it. Her face was so awesome when she first got that paper off.
Next it was Eric & Sara's turn to see what Santa brought them. We had them each open a small gift that was the extra controllers for the Wii. Then we finally let them open the actual Wii. They were so happy and excited. They couldnt believe it. They wanted to play it instantly. Sara admitted later that she got worried because all she asked Santa for was a Nintendo DS and if he had brought the Wii for them, then there was no way she was getting a DS. So once all the presents where opened (or so they thought), there seemed to be two mystery presents hidden in the back. One with a simple S and one with a simple E. Oh man, the kids almost fell over when they opened them and it was a DS for each of them. I thought Sara was going to explode.
So all in all, I think the kids had a really good Christmas morning. They did get other stuff from other people to open this morning, but these where their two highlight gifts. Thanks to Casey for working so hard before hand to provide this awesome christmas for these kids.

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