Wednesday, September 3, 2008

whatcha up to

For this past week and a bit, Casey & I & Jada, have all been sick, with head / sinus colds. Casey, has pnemonia. So Casey is on medication, whereas Jada and I are fighting through this cold, slowly but surely.

But, despite the colds, we have managed to lay carpet in our basement, and the stairs going down. Still need to lay the carpet in Eric & Sara's rooms and then our whole basement will be done. I totally forgot to take pictures of our horrible before basement, but I will see if I can find some in random pictures. Plus, we have cleaned out a storage room which is hopefully going to be a bathroom for E&S in the basement, by next summer. LOTS has gone to the garbage, shed, or is waiting to go to the Rummage Sale (hopefully will come soon). I love the feeling of downsizing.

Jada is actually able to go downstairs by herself to play (sort of with bursts of supervision). But mostly I love that she plays so great while I make cards. She is now into the barbies, polly pockets, littlest pet shops, the play kitchen, a doll house (all stuff of Sara's that we have been saving for her). Now it's time to get rid of those baby toys and get ready for her b-day which is coming way to quick.

So pics of the basement to come soon.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

WOW - that sounds exciting!!!! I can't wait to see your new look down there! Also, a bathroom??? That'll be awesome!! I have to come see what's going on there! I hope you all feel better soon!