Wednesday, November 5, 2008


That is how I am feeling today! Blah! I woke up and was NOT feeling well at all. I thought I was gonna be one sick lady today. But thanks to a bunch of drugs (immodium, gravel, tylonel) I made it through the day! Even managed to eat some. I'm fighting this virus off! I will. I will. Casey and I have a weekend away planned for our 10th anniversary! I am not missing it.

Now that the day is almost over, I know that I have a virus. I do have a mild fever as well (thanks Eric). But, me and my anxiety makes it hard to know when I am really sick and when I am just panicking.

Reasons to panic. (1)Leaving the kids for two day. Well, not really! My mom and Bill are coming to stay with them and I know they are in the best hands possible. No worries there! Though Eric has been sick the past two day and missing school, but he has a hockey game on Saturday, which G&G need to take him to. And its only the second game.

(2) Casey has me booked in to have a massage (gonna love), manicure (gonna LOVE) and a facial (not sure). I have been thinking about cancelling the facial, but for those of you who know me, phoning isnt a strong quality of mine. I stress about it. I would rather spend that money shopping. ALso, dont want to sound really vain right now (but it will anyway). I have a really good complexion. I mean, no blemishes or pimple areas, and Iwould hate to break out from the stuff they put on your

(3)I have a lot of cards to prepare for this month. I am so excited about it and this is a good stress. I have my donation to the ladies night out to finish preparing, my monthly card workshop, craft fair, library craft night, a 2 parties for friends and a card swap and the craft fair. Huh! When I see that huge picture, it looks too big...but I am so loving that part of my stress. (Oh and one of my newest things I bought isnt working so I need to phone and find a solution, probably a send back and waiting to get my product GRRR its for my projects but I guess not anymore)

Anyway, this little post turned out to be really huge and if you made it this far CONGRATS!! THanks for being interested!

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