Monday, July 7, 2008

Swimming Lessons

Well, today was the first day of swimming lessons. It is quit a cooler day and the wind is blowing, so no doubt my kids froze when they got out of the water. Eric and Sara both are fish and love the water so they had a lot of fun. Jada on the other hand, needs some work. She spent most of her time standing in the corner crying, partially because she was cold. So I guess the next two weeks will be a struggle for her and me. I will not let her pull out and just not go, she needs to learn to obey the instructors and learn these vital skills. I may be a hard nose, but in the end it will be good. (or so I tell myself :o)) Hopefully it will be warmer tomorrow.

1 comment:

Colleen said...

Oh, too bad its not warm this week like it has been lately!! Poor little Jada... how did today go? I hope she settles in and really learns to enjoy herself.