Eric has turned 11 years old!!! How did I get old enough to have an 11 year old son? Time does fly, and I am so scared that he is closer to leaving home than he is to , well, his arrival.
I know birth stories can be boring for some, but I do love to remember the day(s) that my children came, so I am going to share his arrival day with you all, if you choose to continue reading.
I woke up the morning of February 24th, after having had a rough sleep. My due date was still 10 days away, so I wasnt even thinking it could be the day. I was 18 years old, and niave. All night long, I was waking up every hour or so "to go pee". I was able to fall back asleep each time, so I am very thankful for that now. This day, I had a regular dr. checkup, but as I was trying to eat my breakfast I just didnt feel very good. I kept telling Casey that I thought maybe I had the flu again. Casey was trying to be very positive and comforting by letting me know that this was his last day of work, than he had 2 weeks off.
So, off we go to my 9am appointment. I proceeded to tell my wonderful doctort that I think I might have the flu again. (I had the flu a month or so before and ended up in hospital on IV) I told him about being up in the night "to go pee" and that I couldnt eat breakfast. He didnt even hesitate to tell me to lay on the table and he was going to 'check me'. He just smiled, and told me he would meet me in labour & delivery later today. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! I wasnt ready for the baby today!!!
I was 3 cm dilatated, and now that I knew what these stomach cramps where, I was SCARED!!!!
We quick drove home, grabbed my bag and headed to the hospital. Casey was so wonderful!! He stayed by my side the whole time, being an encourager!
Now, I dont even think the SC hospital did epidurals back then, so it wasnt even discussed with me. My options had been demoral, or nothing! I did finally agree to try demoral when I was like 7cm along, but it was the biggest mistake. It made it harder to concentrate and get through the contractions. I was very happy once this started to wear off. (HAAHAA the word happy doesnt seem right in that this point) All I remember thinking was that everyone was liers. I remember other young mom's telling me that "it wasnt so bad, just relax and let it happen." HA-HA-HA. (very sarcastically laughing) IT HURT LIKE H-LL!!! I promised myself in the heat of my pain, that every person I saw who was pregnant would sure to hear that IT HURT!!!!!!!!!!
10pm finally came time to push! This was a releif. It was time. 1/2 hour of pushing and he was here. 7lbs 14oz. Casey cried like a baby! He was the proudest Daddy ever to walk him down to the nursery. He was such a beautiful baby. I remember just staring at him and feeling a love that I've never felt before. It was amazing. I was meant to be a Mom! I remember taking him home and being in disbelief that they let me leave the hospital with him. That he was mine (ours) and we were responsible for this tiny little baby.
I dont regret not one minute of having him. I can complain about every stretch mark he gave me (and he gave me LOTS), but then I remember that I have him, and the blessing that he has been to our family. (OKAY, teary eyes are starting so its time to stop)
Happy Birthday Eric!
Birthday morning I asked him what he wanted for his birthday cake (since his friend party will be in April at the Hat for watersliding), this is what he asked for. Butter Pecan cake, home made apple pie, homemade noodles for supper. UMMMMM,,,,,Mama never baked no apple pie before and this is his favorite, so I DID IT!!!! Thanks to Colleen for the encouragement. I made the butter pecan cake (from a box, but I still stirred it), apple pie (thanks Mom / Grandma for freezing balls of crust in our freezer, but I still rolled it out and mixed the filling on my own.), and did homemade noodles for supper (which I really do make from scratch). So he felt special on his day, but still awaits his actual 'party'.
YAY! Happy Birthday Eric!! :o)
I loved that story Shayne. You can share your birth stories with me anytime you want to. I think you're the greatest mom - and thats just the most amazing thing too, considering how young you were when you became one. You did a great job of giving birth to Eric and you guys are doing a great job of raising him - he's such a polite, kind, fun and great guy. :o)
And, HOLY COW I can't get over how much Eric now looks like Casey in the picture of him holding newborn Eric. Wow. Crazy.
Thanks again for sharing! I loved it!
p.s. I think its the full head of hair on Casey's head in that old picture! :o) heehee
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