We took the kids out of school on Thursday (Feb 26) to head to Regina to see High School Musical on Ice. It was an amazing show. THe girls were glued to the program the whole time. Sara (since she is taking figure skating this year) was amazed at some of the spins and jumps and spirals. Jada, I think, was most amazed with the music. Since we have seen the movies A LOT, and the show was based on the movies and the songs where the same, and it was done so it looked like the skaters were really singing the songs.....breathe....Jada was loving the singing. She danced and sang along with them during the show. Jada sang the songs for many days afterwards. Eric on the other hand, almost fell asleep. So comical. Heehee...poor guy. I really want to continue to take him to these things though, so he can appreciate both hockey and musical theatre (since Casey & I love them both).
The next day we headed down to Assiniboia to my Mom's. She held a Stampin Up Class, everyone made 10 cards. She had a great turnout, and half the ladies had never stamped before. So we were able to get a few more ladies hooked. THe cards were beautiful , but I forgot to take pictures of them, so you wont see them here (but you might see 2 of them at my next class here in Gull Lake on March 27th, let me know if you'd like to come)
Saturday afternoon we headed home with a stop over at Grandma Mary's for supper. This is my Mom's Mom, and she is a wonderful lady. We love her so much. And she cooks great too.
Sunday morning, we headed in opposite directions. My Mom (bless her heart for being the best Grandma ever), took all three kids to Herbert for a hockey tournament of Eric's. This proved to be a very long trying day, so we appreciate Grandma offering to do this for us. Thanks MOM!!
Casey & I headed to Saskatoon. We were going to see Annie the musical. That was an amazing show as well. The kids talent in that show was breathtaking. The acting was awesome.
Casey & I also ate at the Samuri. You sit at a C shaped table and the grill is in the middle and they cook in front of you. This was GREAT food. Normally, seeing a lot of food is hard for me (I get anxiety attacks), but this was so fun, and the food was so great, that I was fine (this doesnt happen normally with new restaurants). I'm sure this was a high light for Casey.
Casey had Roses & a fruit plate set up in the room for me when we got there, it was so romantic. We also were treated to an upgrade to a jacuzzi room. Um, that was great . . .
Casey also took me shopping for rings. We have been married for 10 years and thought it was time to treat ourselves to nice wedding rings. When we got married, we didnt have a lot of money, so we just had gotten cheap bands to get us through. Here is a pic of those for you. My band has 10 little diamonds, to symbolize 10 years for us. YEAHHHHHH!!!!
1 comment:
I clicked on the picture of you and Casey and it made it really big, so I could see how hot you actually were Shayne! I love that dress. It is so so beautiful and the boots were just the best. Love it.
I'm glad you guys could have so much fun on your 2 trips away - you deserve it!
Oh and I love your rings too - I'm very happy for you to have the nicer ones after these 10 years. Again - you deserve them! :o)
Thanks for the nice long post!
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