Friday, March 27, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Well, the babies where born on March 16 between 130-300am. It was a long tiring day before and the night of the birth. Her waters broke at 5pm on the 15th and continued to have labour all day and into the night. She is a sucky new mamma, and she wants me beside her the whole time. Sara was a good midwife with me. We took turns sitting with Rhyme while she was having her contractions. Sara was really hoping to see one being born, since Eric saw them last time, but it was too late to wait.
Here's the babies. All four of them. Two darker black ones, and two lighter grey ones. I dont know if they are boys or girls, and they have not been named yet by the kids. Though Sara is wanting to name one Lola, and Eric is wanting Kikoshi (again).
Even at three, Jada knows about make-up and loves it. (I do spoil her with a bit of glittery eyeshadow once in a while).
Both girls had their pictures for skating carnival on Sunday and had to have full hair and make-up done for that. Sara did her hair in rags the night before and got some beautiful curls. Jada's costume was a puppy, so the classic pigtails worked perfect.
It was the make-up part that both girls so enjoyed. They got to use Mom's make-up and get all dolled up. Eyeliner, eye shadow, mascara, lipstick, (foundation for Sara). Jada looked at herself in the mirror ALL DAY. She loved it. Here is a picture of them, just before we left the house for pictures.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
chocolate milk
Okay so this morning is starting out a little wonky. Sometimes if we have two jugs of milk in the fridge, we will add chocolate syrup to one milk for a treat. Last night was one of these times that I made chocolate milk for the kids (okay, I really enjoy it too). But Casey & I went out last night, so we didnt get to enjoy any of it. So here is where the wonky comes in. I'm tired this morning, helping the kids get their lunches packed. I cut up strawberries for them, and thought it would be nice to have some strawberries on cereal this morning. So out comes the Special K Satisfaction (love this cereal), I add strawberries, get out the "milk" and sit at the table. The kids are watching me pour chocolate milk on my cereal. Once I am finished, Eric just says, "Uh Mom, do you know you just poured chocolate milk on your cereal?" WHAT!!!!!! So the day started out with a lot of laughs. And yes I did eat the cereal. Would I do it again? I sure hope not.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Going to a Birthday Party!
Jada got invited to go to a birthday party! It was her friend Abby's 4th birthday, and she had all her little friends over. It was so exciting. I dont know who was more excited, Jada or I. We got on some nice clothes, picked out a present and card (mom made of course), and headed out the door. I stayed for the party since Jada has been having some issues with me leaving her. They planted a tiny flower pot, so hopefully we take very good care of these. They broke a pinata, and played played played. It was fun to watch all the girls together, since these are the girls that will be in kindergarten together.
So here is a picture of Jada as we are heading out the door. I know the socks dont go so well, but it was COLD that day.
So here is a picture of Jada as we are heading out the door. I know the socks dont go so well, but it was COLD that day.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Blog Candy from Barb
I found this blog giving away some blog candy for stampers. SO, I dont know how to attach a link to this post, but here is the thingy if you'd like to comment for a chance to win.
HSM on Ice & S'toon
WARNING: Long Post
We took the kids out of school on Thursday (Feb 26) to head to Regina to see High School Musical on Ice. It was an amazing show. THe girls were glued to the program the whole time. Sara (since she is taking figure skating this year) was amazed at some of the spins and jumps and spirals. Jada, I think, was most amazed with the music. Since we have seen the movies A LOT, and the show was based on the movies and the songs where the same, and it was done so it looked like the skaters were really singing the songs.....breathe....Jada was loving the singing. She danced and sang along with them during the show. Jada sang the songs for many days afterwards. Eric on the other hand, almost fell asleep. So comical. Heehee...poor guy. I really want to continue to take him to these things though, so he can appreciate both hockey and musical theatre (since Casey & I love them both).
The next day we headed down to Assiniboia to my Mom's. She held a Stampin Up Class, everyone made 10 cards. She had a great turnout, and half the ladies had never stamped before. So we were able to get a few more ladies hooked. THe cards were beautiful , but I forgot to take pictures of them, so you wont see them here (but you might see 2 of them at my next class here in Gull Lake on March 27th, let me know if you'd like to come)
Saturday afternoon we headed home with a stop over at Grandma Mary's for supper. This is my Mom's Mom, and she is a wonderful lady. We love her so much. And she cooks great too.
Sunday morning, we headed in opposite directions. My Mom (bless her heart for being the best Grandma ever), took all three kids to Herbert for a hockey tournament of Eric's. This proved to be a very long trying day, so we appreciate Grandma offering to do this for us. Thanks MOM!!
Casey & I headed to Saskatoon. We were going to see Annie the musical. That was an amazing show as well. The kids talent in that show was breathtaking. The acting was awesome.
Casey & I also ate at the Samuri. You sit at a C shaped table and the grill is in the middle and they cook in front of you. This was GREAT food. Normally, seeing a lot of food is hard for me (I get anxiety attacks), but this was so fun, and the food was so great, that I was fine (this doesnt happen normally with new restaurants). I'm sure this was a high light for Casey.
Casey had Roses & a fruit plate set up in the room for me when we got there, it was so romantic. We also were treated to an upgrade to a jacuzzi room. Um, that was great . . .
Casey also took me shopping for rings. We have been married for 10 years and thought it was time to treat ourselves to nice wedding rings. When we got married, we didnt have a lot of money, so we just had gotten cheap bands to get us through. Here is a pic of those for you. My band has 10 little diamonds, to symbolize 10 years for us. YEAHHHHHH!!!!
Here is a picture of us just coming back from Annie. Me wearing a dress is a rare thing, but I thought I would treat Casey to a bit of sexy. He loved it. Thanks to Sara for helping me pick it out. I also got some Lady Boots from Le Chateux. Sorry it is hard to see far away.
We took the kids out of school on Thursday (Feb 26) to head to Regina to see High School Musical on Ice. It was an amazing show. THe girls were glued to the program the whole time. Sara (since she is taking figure skating this year) was amazed at some of the spins and jumps and spirals. Jada, I think, was most amazed with the music. Since we have seen the movies A LOT, and the show was based on the movies and the songs where the same, and it was done so it looked like the skaters were really singing the songs.....breathe....Jada was loving the singing. She danced and sang along with them during the show. Jada sang the songs for many days afterwards. Eric on the other hand, almost fell asleep. So comical. Heehee...poor guy. I really want to continue to take him to these things though, so he can appreciate both hockey and musical theatre (since Casey & I love them both).
The next day we headed down to Assiniboia to my Mom's. She held a Stampin Up Class, everyone made 10 cards. She had a great turnout, and half the ladies had never stamped before. So we were able to get a few more ladies hooked. THe cards were beautiful , but I forgot to take pictures of them, so you wont see them here (but you might see 2 of them at my next class here in Gull Lake on March 27th, let me know if you'd like to come)
Saturday afternoon we headed home with a stop over at Grandma Mary's for supper. This is my Mom's Mom, and she is a wonderful lady. We love her so much. And she cooks great too.
Sunday morning, we headed in opposite directions. My Mom (bless her heart for being the best Grandma ever), took all three kids to Herbert for a hockey tournament of Eric's. This proved to be a very long trying day, so we appreciate Grandma offering to do this for us. Thanks MOM!!
Casey & I headed to Saskatoon. We were going to see Annie the musical. That was an amazing show as well. The kids talent in that show was breathtaking. The acting was awesome.
Casey & I also ate at the Samuri. You sit at a C shaped table and the grill is in the middle and they cook in front of you. This was GREAT food. Normally, seeing a lot of food is hard for me (I get anxiety attacks), but this was so fun, and the food was so great, that I was fine (this doesnt happen normally with new restaurants). I'm sure this was a high light for Casey.
Casey had Roses & a fruit plate set up in the room for me when we got there, it was so romantic. We also were treated to an upgrade to a jacuzzi room. Um, that was great . . .
Casey also took me shopping for rings. We have been married for 10 years and thought it was time to treat ourselves to nice wedding rings. When we got married, we didnt have a lot of money, so we just had gotten cheap bands to get us through. Here is a pic of those for you. My band has 10 little diamonds, to symbolize 10 years for us. YEAHHHHHH!!!!
Monday, March 9, 2009
This is a typical site here at our house. I know that some of you will be shreiking that our cat is on the table, but yes, she joins us for the end of breakfast to have a treat of yogurt (or the cereal milk). This is Rhyme, our pregnant cat, and he slowly creeps closer and closer to Jada as she is having yogurt. Until finally Jada shares.
As I am typing this, Rhyme is laying on my legs and I can feel her babies moving. LOVE IT!!!! Due date (by my calculations) should be sometime around March 18th. Stay tuned for pictures of the babies when they come.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Happy Birthday Eric!!!
Eric has turned 11 years old!!! How did I get old enough to have an 11 year old son? Time does fly, and I am so scared that he is closer to leaving home than he is to , well, his arrival.
I know birth stories can be boring for some, but I do love to remember the day(s) that my children came, so I am going to share his arrival day with you all, if you choose to continue reading.
I woke up the morning of February 24th, after having had a rough sleep. My due date was still 10 days away, so I wasnt even thinking it could be the day. I was 18 years old, and niave. All night long, I was waking up every hour or so "to go pee". I was able to fall back asleep each time, so I am very thankful for that now. This day, I had a regular dr. checkup, but as I was trying to eat my breakfast I just didnt feel very good. I kept telling Casey that I thought maybe I had the flu again. Casey was trying to be very positive and comforting by letting me know that this was his last day of work, than he had 2 weeks off.
So, off we go to my 9am appointment. I proceeded to tell my wonderful doctort that I think I might have the flu again. (I had the flu a month or so before and ended up in hospital on IV) I told him about being up in the night "to go pee" and that I couldnt eat breakfast. He didnt even hesitate to tell me to lay on the table and he was going to 'check me'. He just smiled, and told me he would meet me in labour & delivery later today. WHAT!!!!!!!!!! I wasnt ready for the baby today!!!
I was 3 cm dilatated, and now that I knew what these stomach cramps where, I was SCARED!!!!
We quick drove home, grabbed my bag and headed to the hospital. Casey was so wonderful!! He stayed by my side the whole time, being an encourager!
Now, I dont even think the SC hospital did epidurals back then, so it wasnt even discussed with me. My options had been demoral, or nothing! I did finally agree to try demoral when I was like 7cm along, but it was the biggest mistake. It made it harder to concentrate and get through the contractions. I was very happy once this started to wear off. (HAAHAA the word happy doesnt seem right in that this point) All I remember thinking was that everyone was liers. I remember other young mom's telling me that "it wasnt so bad, just relax and let it happen." HA-HA-HA. (very sarcastically laughing) IT HURT LIKE H-LL!!! I promised myself in the heat of my pain, that every person I saw who was pregnant would sure to hear that IT HURT!!!!!!!!!!
10pm finally came time to push! This was a releif. It was time. 1/2 hour of pushing and he was here. 7lbs 14oz. Casey cried like a baby! He was the proudest Daddy ever to walk him down to the nursery. He was such a beautiful baby. I remember just staring at him and feeling a love that I've never felt before. It was amazing. I was meant to be a Mom! I remember taking him home and being in disbelief that they let me leave the hospital with him. That he was mine (ours) and we were responsible for this tiny little baby.
I dont regret not one minute of having him. I can complain about every stretch mark he gave me (and he gave me LOTS), but then I remember that I have him, and the blessing that he has been to our family. (OKAY, teary eyes are starting so its time to stop)
Happy Birthday Eric!
Birthday morning I asked him what he wanted for his birthday cake (since his friend party will be in April at the Hat for watersliding), this is what he asked for. Butter Pecan cake, home made apple pie, homemade noodles for supper. UMMMMM,,,,,Mama never baked no apple pie before and this is his favorite, so I DID IT!!!! Thanks to Colleen for the encouragement. I made the butter pecan cake (from a box, but I still stirred it), apple pie (thanks Mom / Grandma for freezing balls of crust in our freezer, but I still rolled it out and mixed the filling on my own.), and did homemade noodles for supper (which I really do make from scratch). So he felt special on his day, but still awaits his actual 'party'.
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