1. woke up (this is an important part of the day. we are now in Golden)
2. Eric got 3rd Degree Burn. (Yeah, firebans are on and we cant have a fire, but our son manages to get a terrible burn. Casey and Eric were trying to burn the ends of a string from Eric's shorts. Yeah, well that hot melty material dripped and landed right on Eric's finger, which he immediately tried to fling off, and then it landed on several spots on his legs. Sigh. So he has this huge blister on his finger, and two spots on his legs. Very painful. So the first stop of the day was to find ozonol and bandaids.)
3. Went up chairs. (At Kicking Horse Resort you can go up chair lifts and go see "Boo" the bear at a refuge. The first picture isnt us, since we forgot our camera for this. But is shows just how close you can be to the bear. He did come out for us to see, which was amazing. He was beautiful. I have to admit that I was terrified going up this lift. Good thing I was with Jada & Eric and had to be the brave Mom. Not that they were scared.)

Picture below is of the resort. The hotel and shops are to the right and the lift & gondola are to the left.

5. went up Gondolas. (at the same resort they have gondolas to head up to the top of the mountain. And Yes, they did convince me to go up on this as well. We did remember to go get the camera first. Going up was great. I didnt mind this as much as the chair lift.

Once at the top the view was AMAZING. I love the mountains. Oh, and we saw this little theif come out of the garbage can. He found himself some licorice. (there is a restaurant up there)

This also is a huge attraction for extreme mountain bikers. They take their bikes up in the gondolas and then can bike down the mountain. So in the picture above you can see one of the trails for bikers. And they have to wear some bulky gear to do this. Full head to toe padding. It was cool to watch them.

On the way down (and up) you go right over the bear refuge area, so if you are lucky you will get to see Boo again from there. ANd we did see him on the way up. Jada found him. And on the way down we watched pretty close for him but didnt see him. Mind you we had lots of time to look for him, since the gondola STOPPED right over him. Yup, STOPPED for like 20 minutes. Now I thought I was really going to die. First time it stopped it swung pretty good. Heart is pounding pretty hard, trying to be brave. Then it started up and quickly stopped again causing the gondola to BOUNCE up and down LOTS. Oh my word, panic attack started.

We did survive, but it was very scarey. Thank goodness for "I Spy with my Little Eye" to keep us occupied, and our adult minds off of all the terrible things that could happen.

Here we are enjoying a cool treat at the bottom.
7. going to Golden
8. Wolf Centre (we got to see three wolves, and learn about them.)

9. swimming pool (just at the local outdoor pool. it was a hot day and we needed some cooling off. Then, just as we were coming out of the pool, huge clouds came up. So we went for supper and while we were in the restuarant, the power is flickering, lightening outside, thunder, rain, WINDS. Oh no, what is happening to our tent. . . all is fine once the clouds blow over within an hour, but we did go and buy ourselves a tarp for the rest of the trip)
10. Sleep (which came really easy at the end of every day)
1 comment:
Wow - I'm proud of you for remaining calm! :o) Love the wildlife - bears, squirrels, wolves! I just am going to say WOW about every post here I think! :o)
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