Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Day 12 - Aug 9
Went for Breakfast
Packed up the tent site for the last time
Came home.....that is where a whole new exhaustion starts. THe washing and cleaning of clothes, van, we have spent the next couple of days trying to recover from our adventure. For my record sake, I need to add that I slept with a toque on for 7 out of 12 of those days. So so long to our 2009 summer vacation....looking forward to 2010 already!!!
Day 11 - Aug 8th
Day 10 - Aug 7th
2. packed up
3. went to Calaway Park (we met Grandma & Grandpa Welk here. This was part of the kids Christmas Present from them. It was a great time. We stayed the night at Calaway Campground too. Grandpa has most of the pictures on his camera, so maybe once I get some of those I will add here)
4. adventure is over (that is for Sara. She went home with Grandma & Grandpa to have her special week with them. Casey's talking to her on the phone right now and she is working hard and having fun. Miss you Sara. We continued on with our adventure for two more days.)
Day 9 - Aug 6th
2. packed up tent (this is us with Jano & Sonia, the owners of Noah's. They are amazing people.)
4. on the road
5. camping at banff
6. got a site
7. shopping in banff
8. horse carriage ride around banff (this is not us in the carriage. I had to lift this from the website, but it was a nice ride.)

10. fire (firebans had been on since our second day, so this was a treat)
11. sleep
Day 8 - Aug 5th
2. got dressed (another very important part of our day)
3. going to eat breakfast at 3 valley gap
4. play at the park
5. argo rides (check out Noah's Ark Resort website to see what these look like. This is another event we forgot the camera for. In short it is an amphibious ride on a "thing" that has 8 wheels and goes from trail to water. It is kind of neat)
6. Play at the park
7.Stung by a wasp (oh the poor girl. Sara got bit right behind her earlobe. Her whole ear swelled up and was red.)
8. going for lunch
9. Kay Falls (these were an amazing sight. Off the #1 highway we just pulled onto a rest area, not even a marked one, just a random dirt spot to stop. With cars zipping by, we doned our running shoes to walk for these falls we heard about from locals, WELL, we entered the unmarked path and a 2 minute walk, no kidding. Like right behind the first layer of trees where these BEAUTIFUL falls. Huge they were.
Day 7 - Aug 4th
2. went to sky trek (here is the pictures. I have so many good pictures of Eric & Casey doing their first course since there was a professional photographer there, but it is hard to upload those pictures here, so just a few to share. Eric & Casey went all the way through to the black course. Man some spots looked scarey and at times they were REALLY high in the trees, but they finished all the courses.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Day 6 - Aug 3rd
3. going to three valley gap for breakfast. (we collected stickers from all the places that we went and here is Casey & Sara putting them on the roof topper. I loved the sun rays coming down, God's blessing for our trip)
10. make supper (we actually went to a grocery store and bought some meat, potatoes, corn on the cob and cooked it back at Noah's. They provide two barbeques to be used by everyone, along with tables and chairs, microwave, coffee. It's great. Everyone appreciated a home cooked meal.) 11. Park (there was a park right below our tent site, so we let the kids have some down time to play and make friends.)
12. Swimming (oh at the hot pools. One pool is 86degrees, one is 102degrees, and one is 104degrees. then there is the cold pool plunge. Sara would jump into the cold plunge over and over again. It was freezing, glacier fed. Jada also started swimming on her own here. The water wings came off and away she went. She couldnt totally do it by herself, but it was great to see her start trying. This is a huge step for her since she doesnt like water being on her face and she was swimming underwater. Good job Jada. Again we didnt have the camera.)
13. sleep