Beginning of June we pulled the kids out of school and headed to Cypress Hills Interprovincial Park to spark our camping fever. It was great. There was hardly no one around and we got to just hang out together. We did the horse trail rides and Jada got to ride a horse all by herself for the first time. So much fun. She loved it. We stayed three days.
We camped in Kindersley for a weekend, since Casey had to do some work up there, we decided to pull the trailer up and hang out with him. It was nice there and Jada really became comfortable with riding her bike, finally. It is still in process this riding bikes thing, but slowly getting better (training wheels are still ON). We stayed four days.
We then went to Swift Current for one night and that was the day that we went to the Fair. Each year these kids amaze me with their courage. I am not one for the rides, so I am the official carrier of all things. Eric rode really hard and had his first incident with throwing up as well. It didnt slow him down from any rides though. Both his and Sara;s favorite ride has got to be 1001 nauts. (sp??) Uncle Nathan got to come with us this year which was awesome for the big kids. THey had a lot of fun together. Jada hooked up with her friend McKenna and they went hard and rode lots of rides. Jada even tried some bigger rides and loved them. She is growing up so fast. She rode for 3 hours straight and then we had to force her to stop. Grandma & Grandpa Welk camped with us.
The next day we all headed to Cabri Regional Park. This was the Wernicke Family Reunion and it was nice to see some family that we havent seen for a while. Hopefully more people will be able to make it next year. One sad thing about Cabri was that our dog, Copper, got really sick and we were really worried about him. He couldnt even stand or move and he was shaking really bad. BUt thankfully he was okay the next day and slowly started to perk up. The kids all learnt how to play Crib from the great Uncle Ross. And a Crib tournament was had by ALL. We had great weather and were thankful that the hail storms all missed us. We stayed for four days.
We then had a weekend at Outlook. Grandma & Grandpa Welk camped with us here as well. What a beautiful area. The long pedestrian bridge over the river is amazing. The kids played in the sand (what little was left because of the water levels being so high this year). Are main reason for going here was so that Carla Chabot could take our family pictures. She is an amazing photographer. She scopped out the area looking for a beach location for us and she found Danielson Beach which was awesome. We had great sun for that evening and got some great pictures. IT was really great fun to have her take our pictures. It also was great to have another weekend with G & G Welk. We stayed for three days.
Then the next day we headed back to Cypress Hills. We sure do love it there. It is so beautiful. We got a great spot, which you never know since it is a first come first serve basis. We did the trail rides again. It really is the girls favorite thing to do in the summer. Now they both think they need cowgirl boots. Hmmmm....... We also did Kayaking. We havent done this since we were at Camp Sagitawa at Moberly Lake, BC, so probably 6 years. Jada rode in mine since she is still too little to do it herself. Copper rode with Casey and this caused some good belly laughing. Copper jumped out three times into the lake. The last time was in the middle of the lake and Casey just had to pull him in, water and all. It was so funny. THey both were soaked. Copper shivered for the next two hours I;m sure. Poor Casey had to walk all the way back the to camp site in soaked jeans. Kayaking was Eric's favorite!! We will be doing this again. Then on the walk back to the trailer, Eric was giving Jada a piggy back and Jada started to fall asleep on his back. It was so cute.
Well that is it so far for the summer...OH WAIT!!! Eric, Sara, Jada all had swimming lessons for two weeks, and they all passed and got a badge. Eric passed Rookie, Sara passed Swimmer 6, and Jada passed Swimmer 1. Hooray for swimming.
Jada also got her hair cut at the salon for the first time this summer. She had a deep conditioning treatment, got her hands dipped in the hot wax, and had a much needed trim and she loved it. I was so sad that I never took the camera along. BUT Jada sat so good, and just chatted with the hair dresser about all kind of random things.
Well I thing that is it so far for this summer, it is only July 21 so there is still so much to come....goalie camp for Eric in S'toon, Hancock Family Reunion, and our BC I will post more once it is over.
1 comment:
I love the new look of your blog! Glad you guys are having such a good summer.
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