We have these really beautiful christmas stockings that Casey's great aunt made. Casey has had his since, well forever. And when I joined this family, she made one for me, and Eric, and Sara and Jada. So we are blessed to have these wonderful stockings hanging for santa every year.

However, the reason for this post, Jada's stocking went the wrong way. ANd this is the only one that she has stitched this way. So, I left it for the past two year and just had a stocking hanging the wrong way (I didnt want to cover the Santa she stitched on). But, it bothered me, every year.
So, this year I decided to do something about it. First couple of days that it was hanging, I just hung it the right way and it was blank. Fine for me...But Jada really wanted the same "baby" reindeer that the other two kids had.
So, off to Wal-Mart to buy some yarn. And I stitched her a reindeer on the back of her stocking. Also, the original side didnt have her name on it, soI put on her name. It turned out good! From a distance you wouldnt know. (I know) It's not perfect like the other ones, but it is hers, and it is hanging the right way. (Now when she leaves home and takes that with her, she has the option of hanging it the professional way, or her Mom's handmade way)

The best part was the big hug Jada gave me once it was hanging on the wall and it was the same as the other kids. She was so happy. She is counting the stockings right now as I type. I think she is at 13.....heehee.
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