Monday, July 21, 2008


This past weekend we went to Cabri Regional Park for the weekend. It was for my Grandma's 70th Birthday (pictures to follow in another post), so my whole family on my mom's side was there (minus Uncle Ross & Auntie Sharon). It was great to see all my cousins and aunts and uncles again. It had been way too long since seeing them all. SO. Uncle Randy had his boat out and he was so kind to pull us all around the lake over and over again.

Eric and Sara both tried waterskiing. They almost got up, but they also where trying on adult ski's, so if they would've had kids ones I am sure they would've gotten up. I wasnt on the boat for that ride, so no pic's. Boo for me. Casey actually was waterskiing first and convinced the kids to try also. Eric and Sara also went tubing for the first time. They were so brave. Though Jada cried the whole time Eric, Sara and Casey where out on the tube. It was so funny. She was scared FOR them. Sara

I also tried tubing for the first time EVER. I went in a two person tube, with Lynn (my cousin Christopher's girlfriend) , it was so nice to have someone to scream with. I would definetly do it again. (I would take out my contacts next time though)

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