Colleen has beaten me at changing the background on my blog. She always seems to be that one step ahead of me. One of these times I will make it before her,,,,,one day. :o)
Coming Soon.... Posts about Christmas!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Paper Chains!
Our poor Charlie Brown tree was in need of a face lift to make me feel more festive. So out came the scrapbooking paper, paper trimmer and tape. I cut a whole bunch of strips so the kids could put together a paper chain. At first the older two were kind of reluctant, thinking I was lame. But once they saw Jada and I have fun doing it, they joined in right quick. (Notice they are all still in their jammies, AND they have eaten lunch already. Great Day)
Sara's Room
I got ambitious yesterday and painted Sara's room. It was this pink & yellow with a white border in the centre (I have already taken off the white rail board so it looks yuck) But she had been asking me to change her room color for some time now.
So it is now Natural Linen, and I think we will be doing the whole basement in this color. Her room no longer looks like a little girl room, but this room of growing. We still have to add these really big, funky circles that I am ordering from Stampin Up. So when those come in and get put up, I will post that too.
Christmas Concert
Eric & Sara had their Christmas Concert last Thursday and they did such a great job! I love it when they dress up for me. Dressing up for Eric is a huge crisis, and I have to forewarn him that he will be wearing "dressy" clothes way in advance or he melts down. I am happy to say that this time, he just got dressed and never said a word. Thanks Eric!
Sara on the other hand, "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR" was the crisis. Which I was in total agreeance with. She has grown so much in the past month or two, and none of her nice clothes where fitting. So Thursday, while she was at school, I ran into Swift and bought a TON of clothes, so that when she came home from school she had a lot of clothes to try on and options as to what she could wear. She did a great pick. I thought she wouldnt like the skirt I picked out (she never likes the same things as me) but she LOVED it. All the extra clothes have been returned to there appropriate stores, and she had a great outfit to wear.
Jada loves dressing up in skirts & nylons, so she was a doll to dress.
OH, I did do Jada's hair after this picture was taken. (Eric still looks totally casual in my opinion, but that is getting dressed up for him, heehee)
Sara on the other hand, "I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR" was the crisis. Which I was in total agreeance with. She has grown so much in the past month or two, and none of her nice clothes where fitting. So Thursday, while she was at school, I ran into Swift and bought a TON of clothes, so that when she came home from school she had a lot of clothes to try on and options as to what she could wear. She did a great pick. I thought she wouldnt like the skirt I picked out (she never likes the same things as me) but she LOVED it. All the extra clothes have been returned to there appropriate stores, and she had a great outfit to wear.
Jada loves dressing up in skirts & nylons, so she was a doll to dress.
Teacher Gifts
For Christmas, I was told by Sara that I needed to make something for her teachers. And since I was making for Sara's teacher, Eric was wondering what he was giving to his teacher. So the quest began to find something for their teachers. Of course, it needed to be a handmade gift. I made sample after sample, until I found what I thought would be the cutest thing to give.
So pic #1 here is showing all six of the projects completed. Each teacher got one of the packaged, and one of the orange container.

And what you may ask was in those cute packaging.
Pic #2 shows the tic tac holder!! (This was not to tell the teachers they had bad breath. heehee)

And Pic #3 here shows this cute accordion style book that holds 6 mini tags for them to add to several different occasions.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Blasted -50
So, you all may know that yesterday was -50 with the windchill here!! Yes, damn cold!!! Well, I love our Kia van and it got me to Swift yesterday and back home, but then when Casey tried to take it somewhere last night, the power steering went out AGAIN. Last year when it hit this deep freeze temp, the power steering went as well. So this morning the tow truck came and took our van away to the dealership in the Hat. Thank goodness for warranty!!!!!! (Now I may get some shopping done in the Hat)
So I am feeling stranded today! I dont want to go anywhere, but the option is gone and I could think of a million things to do today. Ahhh...
So I am feeling stranded today! I dont want to go anywhere, but the option is gone and I could think of a million things to do today. Ahhh...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Stockings
We have these really beautiful christmas stockings that Casey's great aunt made. Casey has had his since, well forever. And when I joined this family, she made one for me, and Eric, and Sara and Jada. So we are blessed to have these wonderful stockings hanging for santa every year.
However, the reason for this post, Jada's stocking went the wrong way. ANd this is the only one that she has stitched this way. So, I left it for the past two year and just had a stocking hanging the wrong way (I didnt want to cover the Santa she stitched on). But, it bothered me, every year.
So, this year I decided to do something about it. First couple of days that it was hanging, I just hung it the right way and it was blank. Fine for me...But Jada really wanted the same "baby" reindeer that the other two kids had.
So, off to Wal-Mart to buy some yarn. And I stitched her a reindeer on the back of her stocking. Also, the original side didnt have her name on it, soI put on her name. It turned out good! From a distance you wouldnt know. (I know) It's not perfect like the other ones, but it is hers, and it is hanging the right way. (Now when she leaves home and takes that with her, she has the option of hanging it the professional way, or her Mom's handmade way)
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Christmas is in the air
Usually December 1st we get all our Christmas stuff up. This year, with there being no snow, I really had a hard time getting into it. So we just DID IT!!! Our tree is totally kids orientated and no professionalism at all. All of our decorations are handmade by the kids, or have been gifts. The kids are in charge of doing ALL the decorating. I dont even hover to "direct" their decisions anymore. It is their tree. So here they are with their finished project (there is lights on it, forgot to turn them on)
Rhyme is 'getting into the spirit' too. She just had to go inside EVERY box that was emptied. This was her favorite. Good thing she is heavy or I wouldve packed her away! :o)
Here Sara is putting up stuff.
And Eric trying to decide where to put some!
And Jada, She put ALL of her decorations on the same branch (this was the only time I had to 'encourage' a placement of decoration)
We arent off to a very good start though. Our poor tree has been up for 2 days now and has fallen twice. AHHHHH!!! Between Jada and the cats, we might not have any decorations left after this year. Jada keeps wanting to 'move her decoration' to a new spot.
Merry Christmas to you ALL!!!
Happy Birthday to ME!!!
Okay, sorry this has taken me so long to get this posted, but here it is...
My Mom made me this fabulous cake! It was so yummy! It had a brownie bottom, cheesecake middle with swirled white chocolate, chocolate cake on top with icing sugar icing. OH and dont forget the icing sugar snowflake (which was made with the left over paper from my card workshop that morning. It worked great for a template) IT WAS YUMMMY!!!!! (I think Jada picked out the mermaid for decorations)
Some things I got for my bday (I got a few more things, but never got them photoed). Casey and the kids got me a beautiful necklace. IT looks so much prettier in person.
My Mom made me this gorgeous card. She hand stitched all the dark pink on the butterfly. Can you believe it?
Then, to top it all off. my BESTEST FRIEND EVER, Colleen came to see me at Eric's hockey game in Swift. During first intermission (or whatever you call it) Colleen and William are hidding something and being all sneaky. And when she turned back to me, here she had this yummy brownie with a candle on it and she QUICKLY (I think it is against fire code to have an open flame in the building) sang happy birthday to me. She sure knows how to make someone feel special. Thanks Colleen. You are GREAT! The picture shows that it was dived into right away at the rink.

My birthday was great. First surprise was that my brother Brian, and his girlfriend Jill came to my mom's for supper. They made just a day trip from Swift, so that was really nice. A highlight for having Uncle Brian there was that he brought his 22 rifle. (He is currently hunting so always on the look out) He blew up some pumpkins with the boys and they loved it. THen he took the boys (meaning Uncle Nathan & Eric) to go deer spotting, but what they came across deemed much more exciting then live deer. They must have just missed someone shooting a deer and gutting it. Eric said the blood was still fresh and he could see the stomach and veins....and on and on about the gooey gorry details of their find. Great excitment for boys!!!
Oh and a rare occurance that hasnt happened yet for the employees at Taco Time...what is it you may loving hubby gets them to sing happy bday to me when they brought our food out.Thanks goodness there were only one other family in there (and we knew them). Rosey cheeks for me.
Thanks everyone for making me feel special on my day!!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Now today I am off to Assiniboia to do a Stampin Up Workshop for a lady there. So excited!! But first, on the way through Swift Current we have hair appointments. Eric first (thank goodness, her really needs it. Why dont boys care about their hair?) Then Sara, and I. Sara is in need of something fun. NOT SHORT!!! Just fun with long hair, so we will see what they come up with. I am in need of color. I'm going to be trying something different too....I will post pic's when I get home.
Then on the way home on Sunday, Eric has a hockey game in Swift Current at the IPLEX at 445pm.
I am going to be one tired mommy next week. ANd I am not done yet. I have to plan for a workshop on the 8th. Its for girls age 16-18 so that is going to be FUN!!!
Then on the way home on Sunday, Eric has a hockey game in Swift Current at the IPLEX at 445pm.
I am going to be one tired mommy next week. ANd I am not done yet. I have to plan for a workshop on the 8th. Its for girls age 16-18 so that is going to be FUN!!!
SO, yesterday was my day where I am at the rink from 230pm till 730pm. Yup, Thursdays are very long days.
Jada skates first.
Then Sara skates. WOW! She blew my mind yesterday. She is doing SPINS. She didnt skate not once last year, and the year before she was just starting to learn how to skate. So Sara is excelling so well with her abilities to skate. She is in the Star Skate program, and learning to figure skate. The spins, turns, jumps...I cant beleive that she is doing this stuff. They also are learning how to carry a flag. So at the beginning of some Greyhound hockey games here in town, the Star Skate girls will skate around with the Canada & Saskatchewan Flag during the singing of O Canada. I am so proud of Sara. I cant wait to see the final Carnival. YOu all are invited to come see too!! It's at the end of the year.
Then after Sara is done, Eric goes on with either hockey practice or a game. Yesterday was practice. He also is doing very well. HE is the team goalie. His skills in this area are really excelling from last year. He is so brave to get in front of those pucks flying at him. SO proud again.
Man, I have great kids!!! I love them so much.. while Eric was on the ice, Sara came and sat on my knee and asked me if I liked being a Mom. And with every fiber of my being I replied., "I love it. It is the best job I have ever had." Then there were lots of questions about getting married, and if I had a crush on boys when I was in grade 3, and wow, that was a great discussion.
Then as I lay in bed last night trying to fall asleep (which was really hard to do, b/c I drank some pop before bed and that doesnt do well with me), Jada yells out from her bed (completely asleep) I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!!! Sigh. I am having a great two days really seeing the blessings I have of being a mom to some great kids.
Jada skates first.
Then Sara skates. WOW! She blew my mind yesterday. She is doing SPINS. She didnt skate not once last year, and the year before she was just starting to learn how to skate. So Sara is excelling so well with her abilities to skate. She is in the Star Skate program, and learning to figure skate. The spins, turns, jumps...I cant beleive that she is doing this stuff. They also are learning how to carry a flag. So at the beginning of some Greyhound hockey games here in town, the Star Skate girls will skate around with the Canada & Saskatchewan Flag during the singing of O Canada. I am so proud of Sara. I cant wait to see the final Carnival. YOu all are invited to come see too!! It's at the end of the year.
Then after Sara is done, Eric goes on with either hockey practice or a game. Yesterday was practice. He also is doing very well. HE is the team goalie. His skills in this area are really excelling from last year. He is so brave to get in front of those pucks flying at him. SO proud again.
Man, I have great kids!!! I love them so much.. while Eric was on the ice, Sara came and sat on my knee and asked me if I liked being a Mom. And with every fiber of my being I replied., "I love it. It is the best job I have ever had." Then there were lots of questions about getting married, and if I had a crush on boys when I was in grade 3, and wow, that was a great discussion.
Then as I lay in bed last night trying to fall asleep (which was really hard to do, b/c I drank some pop before bed and that doesnt do well with me), Jada yells out from her bed (completely asleep) I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!!! Sigh. I am having a great two days really seeing the blessings I have of being a mom to some great kids.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Playing Catch-Up
So this is gonna be a catch up post.
Starting with Jada at skating. So, the first two days that Jada went to her skating class, she was bawling. She was wearing boys hockey skates, and falling constantly on her butt. Which really began to hurt. So, day three of skating, we put her in figure skates. WOW!!! She could stand up, move forwards and felt much more confident with the stability she got from them. (They have a flatter blade so it made standing much easier) Still having the occational fall and sore bum, I sewed a 'cushion' into her ski pants. YUP I DID!!! So now when she falls its not such a hard BUMP, but a nice pillowy landing. She is doing really well at skating and is amazing me each week. She is practising skating forwards, backwards, and turning around. Standing up on her own is still difficult (I think it is due to the ski pants). GOOD JOB JADA!!
Next, Casey took me to the Moose Jaw Spa for two nights to celebrate our 10th Anniversary! Yes I did say 10. Can you believe it has been that long?!?! Its amazing. So we had a beautiful room, complete with fireplace. And as a surprise, when we arrived, Casey's Mom had phoned ahead of us and had a cheese & cracker plate, as well as a fruit & dip plate, along with a sparkling Saskatoon Berry Cider (chillin) all set out on the table waiting for us. It was awesome. She really made us feel extra special. And the Saskatoon Berry Cider was AMAZING yummy! Casey had me booked in for a massage (which was so relaxing), and a manicure (which is my favorite). It was nice to spend time together. We hope to do this every year.
Starting with Jada at skating. So, the first two days that Jada went to her skating class, she was bawling. She was wearing boys hockey skates, and falling constantly on her butt. Which really began to hurt. So, day three of skating, we put her in figure skates. WOW!!! She could stand up, move forwards and felt much more confident with the stability she got from them. (They have a flatter blade so it made standing much easier) Still having the occational fall and sore bum, I sewed a 'cushion' into her ski pants. YUP I DID!!! So now when she falls its not such a hard BUMP, but a nice pillowy landing. She is doing really well at skating and is amazing me each week. She is practising skating forwards, backwards, and turning around. Standing up on her own is still difficult (I think it is due to the ski pants). GOOD JOB JADA!!
Next, Casey took me to the Moose Jaw Spa for two nights to celebrate our 10th Anniversary! Yes I did say 10. Can you believe it has been that long?!?! Its amazing. So we had a beautiful room, complete with fireplace. And as a surprise, when we arrived, Casey's Mom had phoned ahead of us and had a cheese & cracker plate, as well as a fruit & dip plate, along with a sparkling Saskatoon Berry Cider (chillin) all set out on the table waiting for us. It was awesome. She really made us feel extra special. And the Saskatoon Berry Cider was AMAZING yummy! Casey had me booked in for a massage (which was so relaxing), and a manicure (which is my favorite). It was nice to spend time together. We hope to do this every year.
NOW for the part you may have been waiting for!!!! Yes, the Library Craft Projects. We did Christmas Countdown calendar, and a tag box. Both projects went great. I had the prefect number of people show up to make it very successful.
The numbers all have velcro on the back so you can easily change them. AND, if you are wanting one, I have enough supplies to make three more. I can make them and deliver if you want. They are $15.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
WOW, if there are people out there who would like to ready my blog. I am so sorry that it has been WAY too long since I have been here. I really had a busy November (and its not over yet). So, we'll just start with TODAY! Today I am packing up my tote to take it to the library. I am doing an advent calendar and christmas tags there tonight. I LOVE the countdown calendar. It is so rich with reds and greens. I will post a pic after, Cant spoil the surprise. The kids loved it so much, they asked if we could keep this new one instead of our old one I made last year. It really is Christmasey and beautiful. (Not that I am vain).
So my day will consist of packing and making sure I have everything I need. Hum, do I do a snack? Oh I will need to think on this.
Jada & Sara have dance today! Jada is loving dance. She has even taught Eric how to do a proper "pie" and 'diamond'. Oh it is so cute. I have it on video. (But I think he wouldnt like that to be out there, since he is doing ballet)
I have been working my way through 'The Big Cook' cookbook. ( It is a recipe book designed to cook a lot of meals in one day and freeze them) I have made three so far, and I plan to do another tonight. 2 recipes are keepers and 1 was not. So the quest continues. My goal is to know at least 7 recipes that my family likes and then in January, DO IT! Since I hate cooking, and the planning, this should help with having good meals on the table, escpecially when I dont feel like doing it.
Well, that is all for now.
So my day will consist of packing and making sure I have everything I need. Hum, do I do a snack? Oh I will need to think on this.
Jada & Sara have dance today! Jada is loving dance. She has even taught Eric how to do a proper "pie" and 'diamond'. Oh it is so cute. I have it on video. (But I think he wouldnt like that to be out there, since he is doing ballet)
I have been working my way through 'The Big Cook' cookbook. ( It is a recipe book designed to cook a lot of meals in one day and freeze them) I have made three so far, and I plan to do another tonight. 2 recipes are keepers and 1 was not. So the quest continues. My goal is to know at least 7 recipes that my family likes and then in January, DO IT! Since I hate cooking, and the planning, this should help with having good meals on the table, escpecially when I dont feel like doing it.
Well, that is all for now.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
That is how I am feeling today! Blah! I woke up and was NOT feeling well at all. I thought I was gonna be one sick lady today. But thanks to a bunch of drugs (immodium, gravel, tylonel) I made it through the day! Even managed to eat some. I'm fighting this virus off! I will. I will. Casey and I have a weekend away planned for our 10th anniversary! I am not missing it.
Now that the day is almost over, I know that I have a virus. I do have a mild fever as well (thanks Eric). But, me and my anxiety makes it hard to know when I am really sick and when I am just panicking.
Reasons to panic. (1)Leaving the kids for two day. Well, not really! My mom and Bill are coming to stay with them and I know they are in the best hands possible. No worries there! Though Eric has been sick the past two day and missing school, but he has a hockey game on Saturday, which G&G need to take him to. And its only the second game.
(2) Casey has me booked in to have a massage (gonna love), manicure (gonna LOVE) and a facial (not sure). I have been thinking about cancelling the facial, but for those of you who know me, phoning isnt a strong quality of mine. I stress about it. I would rather spend that money shopping. ALso, dont want to sound really vain right now (but it will anyway). I have a really good complexion. I mean, no blemishes or pimple areas, and Iwould hate to break out from the stuff they put on your
(3)I have a lot of cards to prepare for this month. I am so excited about it and this is a good stress. I have my donation to the ladies night out to finish preparing, my monthly card workshop, craft fair, library craft night, a 2 parties for friends and a card swap and the craft fair. Huh! When I see that huge picture, it looks too big...but I am so loving that part of my stress. (Oh and one of my newest things I bought isnt working so I need to phone and find a solution, probably a send back and waiting to get my product GRRR its for my projects but I guess not anymore)
Anyway, this little post turned out to be really huge and if you made it this far CONGRATS!! THanks for being interested!
Now that the day is almost over, I know that I have a virus. I do have a mild fever as well (thanks Eric). But, me and my anxiety makes it hard to know when I am really sick and when I am just panicking.
Reasons to panic. (1)Leaving the kids for two day. Well, not really! My mom and Bill are coming to stay with them and I know they are in the best hands possible. No worries there! Though Eric has been sick the past two day and missing school, but he has a hockey game on Saturday, which G&G need to take him to. And its only the second game.
(2) Casey has me booked in to have a massage (gonna love), manicure (gonna LOVE) and a facial (not sure). I have been thinking about cancelling the facial, but for those of you who know me, phoning isnt a strong quality of mine. I stress about it. I would rather spend that money shopping. ALso, dont want to sound really vain right now (but it will anyway). I have a really good complexion. I mean, no blemishes or pimple areas, and Iwould hate to break out from the stuff they put on your
(3)I have a lot of cards to prepare for this month. I am so excited about it and this is a good stress. I have my donation to the ladies night out to finish preparing, my monthly card workshop, craft fair, library craft night, a 2 parties for friends and a card swap and the craft fair. Huh! When I see that huge picture, it looks too big...but I am so loving that part of my stress. (Oh and one of my newest things I bought isnt working so I need to phone and find a solution, probably a send back and waiting to get my product GRRR its for my projects but I guess not anymore)
Anyway, this little post turned out to be really huge and if you made it this far CONGRATS!! THanks for being interested!
Friday, October 31, 2008
Happy Halloween!
The pumpkins were carved, the costumes where ready, the candy bought. Now the day that the kids wait for ... the big trick or treat. It was so much fun. I love watching the kids with their friends having so much fun. 

Sorry that the next pictures are side ways. I still need to figure that feature out on this computer and I am awefully tired and in need of sleep. But at least you get the idea.
First, I'll start with Jada. Yes, she was a lady bug and she has waited to wear that costume for over a month and the day was exciting. She wore it ALL day. She totally got the trick or treating figured out. After every house, she just would say "another house", and off her and Eric would go (Sara was already out with other friends). Now trying to get Jada to say thank you at each house was a challenge. She doesnt like to talk to people, and when I confronted her on her level and told her she NEEDED to say thank you, she just replied "I was too scared to say thank you to that man" Okay, valid! Eric was good at encouraging her to say it, and she did to the ladies who handed out candy, but not the men. Once her little bag was full we came home and she just looked with big eyes and said "look at all my treat".
Eric 's costume we created using conventional pieces for him to look like Kikoshi (sp?) off of his fav cartoon Naruto. He was happy with the outcome! I was happy that most of the clothing he will wear again (motherly thinking or what). Eric went out treatin with his friend Bradley and boy they all got A LOT of candy.
Sorry that the next pictures are side ways. I still need to figure that feature out on this computer and I am awefully tired and in need of sleep. But at least you get the idea.
First, I'll start with Jada. Yes, she was a lady bug and she has waited to wear that costume for over a month and the day was exciting. She wore it ALL day. She totally got the trick or treating figured out. After every house, she just would say "another house", and off her and Eric would go (Sara was already out with other friends). Now trying to get Jada to say thank you at each house was a challenge. She doesnt like to talk to people, and when I confronted her on her level and told her she NEEDED to say thank you, she just replied "I was too scared to say thank you to that man" Okay, valid! Eric was good at encouraging her to say it, and she did to the ladies who handed out candy, but not the men. Once her little bag was full we came home and she just looked with big eyes and said "look at all my treat".
Sara was a High School Musical Cheer Leader. She went to a friends house right after school and then I picked her and some friends up after supper to continue on with their trick or treatin. She was a running and full of spunk tonight.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Well, I seem to think that I can only post if I have pictures to add. But in reality, I dont always have the pictures handy to share. So, this post will be no pictures. But I will share the pictures in the next post.
What's been happening in this house in the past week....? Let's see. On the weekend, my computer finally kicked the bucket. Yup, it was 7 years old and served us very well. But I was so mad at it when it wouldnt stay turned on...that day I phone future shop to find out what time they opened at (in Medicine Hat) and we took a day trip. I cant live without the computer. I feel so helpless knowing that all my info is on that old computer and I cant get it off right now. THe CD thing is broken so I couldnt save anything onto a disk before this happened. I am only computer savy to a certain point and that is beyond me. So, I will be taking it into Staples or somewhere in Swift to have them get all the info off of it. So I am feeling lost trying to navigate and find all the things that I loved about my old computer. Even my address book from my email is deleted. Grrrr!
And while we were in Future Shop, Casey got himself a new tv. Yup, happy anniversary to us. Me a new computer and Casey a new tv. I finally broke down and realized that he is the one working hard to pay for fun stuff, so if he is willing to work to pay this off then he should be able to spend it how he wanted. He was so happy. He had his diagram all measured out with how much space our stand had and he got the biggest Tv possible to fit in the space. 37in flat screen HD. Um, that's all I know about it. AND, we finally broke down and have gotten a dish. We havent had TV channels for a long time. In our 11 years together, we have probably had cable for 2 of those years (not all in a row either). THe kids are very excited!!!!
And right now, my poor Jada is sick. 2 days now of the runs, fever, she's thrown up once now. Not eating, drinking.....ahhhh.....hope this passes soon and we all stay healthy for the trick or treating. Got to love those Lysol disinfectant wipes. I probably go over everywhere that is touched in our house like 3 times. And the bathroom, everytime Jada is in there. My hands are so dry from all the washing. Stay strong body! I need you!
OH, and I have joined the Music Festival Board and this is a scarey adventure for me. I have read some of the to do list of the Entry Secretary and it looks to be a big job. But I think it is worth it, Eric and Sara are both attendants of this event in Shaunavon. Eric for piano (which he won a scholarship at last year) and Sara for singing and piano (another year before she is eligable to enter for scholarship) ANd I love watching them be musical and I know I will be around Fesitval for a long time yet, so why not help out. This is where I felt my volunteer efforts should be geared. Wish me luck! I could get stressed.
So, I will take pictures and post them later. Once I feel up to figuring out this computer with my camera. Going from WIndows XP to Vista. A bit of a difference.
What's been happening in this house in the past week....? Let's see. On the weekend, my computer finally kicked the bucket. Yup, it was 7 years old and served us very well. But I was so mad at it when it wouldnt stay turned on...that day I phone future shop to find out what time they opened at (in Medicine Hat) and we took a day trip. I cant live without the computer. I feel so helpless knowing that all my info is on that old computer and I cant get it off right now. THe CD thing is broken so I couldnt save anything onto a disk before this happened. I am only computer savy to a certain point and that is beyond me. So, I will be taking it into Staples or somewhere in Swift to have them get all the info off of it. So I am feeling lost trying to navigate and find all the things that I loved about my old computer. Even my address book from my email is deleted. Grrrr!
And while we were in Future Shop, Casey got himself a new tv. Yup, happy anniversary to us. Me a new computer and Casey a new tv. I finally broke down and realized that he is the one working hard to pay for fun stuff, so if he is willing to work to pay this off then he should be able to spend it how he wanted. He was so happy. He had his diagram all measured out with how much space our stand had and he got the biggest Tv possible to fit in the space. 37in flat screen HD. Um, that's all I know about it. AND, we finally broke down and have gotten a dish. We havent had TV channels for a long time. In our 11 years together, we have probably had cable for 2 of those years (not all in a row either). THe kids are very excited!!!!
And right now, my poor Jada is sick. 2 days now of the runs, fever, she's thrown up once now. Not eating, drinking.....ahhhh.....hope this passes soon and we all stay healthy for the trick or treating. Got to love those Lysol disinfectant wipes. I probably go over everywhere that is touched in our house like 3 times. And the bathroom, everytime Jada is in there. My hands are so dry from all the washing. Stay strong body! I need you!
OH, and I have joined the Music Festival Board and this is a scarey adventure for me. I have read some of the to do list of the Entry Secretary and it looks to be a big job. But I think it is worth it, Eric and Sara are both attendants of this event in Shaunavon. Eric for piano (which he won a scholarship at last year) and Sara for singing and piano (another year before she is eligable to enter for scholarship) ANd I love watching them be musical and I know I will be around Fesitval for a long time yet, so why not help out. This is where I felt my volunteer efforts should be geared. Wish me luck! I could get stressed.
So, I will take pictures and post them later. Once I feel up to figuring out this computer with my camera. Going from WIndows XP to Vista. A bit of a difference.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Weekend at G&G Welk's
Well, we had a great weekend at Grandma & Grandpa Welk's house. (Casey had to work, so the kids and I went). I did a card workshop for my mom and it went awesome. Mom had a good turn out! And I think this weekend felt more like thansgiving for me. We made popcorn balls, the kids carved pumpkins, Jada had an itty bitty tea party with this fancy cup. (Can you see it?) Mom had some great friends over for supper and we had PUMPKIN PIE!!!! yum. My favorite. Plus there was cherry pie, saskatoon pie, cranberry apple pie, pizza, taco salad, fancy salads....oh the food went on and on and it was so great

The boys made this little car out of paper and wheels and inserted a balloon to the back and made it propell across the floor. It worked, somewhat!!
Grandpa made a pumpkin house in their barn, and the kids got to pick their pumpkin for carving at home. Jada was the only one who came out with me to pick, so she is the only one with a picture. At first she wasnt too sure about going inside all those bales! But then Grandma came in and it was good! Jada picked the smallest pumpkin in their. It is her baby now!

Friday, October 17, 2008
Christmas Card Workshop
I held a stamp-a-stack Christmas card workshop last night and it went so well. The ladies made 2 each of the cards for a total of 6 and they made 4 tags. I am so excited that I get to do another workshop with the same cards tomorrow in Assiniboia with my mom. I feel so relaxed and in my element when I can be sharing my love for making cards, and being creative.
The tags, we got to use the scallop circle punch, and the crop-a-dile with some eyelets.
Red Snowflake Card had some scallop edge punch (NEW), embossing and brayering.
Swirl Pearl Card had some coloring with markers and sponge daubing edges with a strategic placement of pearl.
Christmas Tree Sparkle card had the use of the white craft ink pad, and the two-way glue with glitter.
So sorry some of you had to miss it. Next one is tentatively Nov. 14!! Check my stampin up website at for more details. And if I havent been contacting you about the dates and you would like me to, let me know.

So sorry some of you had to miss it. Next one is tentatively Nov. 14!! Check my stampin up website at for more details. And if I havent been contacting you about the dates and you would like me to, let me know.
Part 3 of the trilogy
And this is the part the kids probably where looking forward to the most. The waterslides!!! The pool area was nice, Jada could touch for the most deep end. And Eric & Sara loved the waterslides. So this was the end of a great weekend. 
OH I almost forgot a really important highlight!!! We got to spend Sunday with Richard & Almira and their wonderful kids Jared & Amy. We lived in the basement of their house in Calgary for 1.5 years and they have sinced moved to Saskatoon. They became like family to us. So it was so nice to see them again. We had a wonderful day and cant wait till our next trip to S'toon to see them.

Thanksgiving Wedding - Part 2
So, here are some pictures from the reception. They had the photo guest book, so this is where the family photos where taken. I think everyone looks a bit wonky, but so be it. The reception was at the Radisson Hotel, very beautiful.
Here the happy couple are dancing the first dance.
And here the little girls, Amber, Jada & Sara, are closely watching that first dance. Sara always is saying that she is never getting married. But she sure does love weddings. She is mesmerized by everything that is going on. Jada was following in her footsteps, and watching closely too. (I later asked Sara if she wanted a dress like Tannis, and she said "YES, it was so sparkley". Hum.
Sara dancing with the bride.
OKay, okay. This is a funny picture, b/c Eric & Sara were in charge of the camera all evening, and I guess Eric had been trying to get a good picture of Casey & I (and Jada) dancing. It felt like he was papparazi and he had a zillion of them already, so I put my hand up to tell him to stop all ready. Well, he said he hadnt gotten a good one yet (the lighting is so bad for my camera) and if I wouldnt have put my hand up, it would have been the best one yet. So, this is as good as it got.

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