Friday, August 27, 2010
Day 17 Part 2
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Day 17 - Fri Aug 20 Part 1
Day 16 continued.....
Day 16 - Thur Aug 19
4. Went back to Wapiti.
5. Girls having shower.
6. Boys are taking down the tent.
7. Ate lunch at McD'S
8. Filled up with gas
9. Went to the info centre to get a map of Calgary Zoo.
10. Said goodby the the mountains and started to drive to Calgary.
11. Found a campsite at West Calgary.
12. Went to Calgary Zoo. COOL!! We saw all different animals. FUN.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Day 15 - Wed. Aug 18
Day 14 - Tues. Aug 17
6. Ate lunch at Fire Valley Restaurant.
7. Driving on the road to get to Canmore and we saw mountain goats, just outside Radium.
8. Driving on hte highway and the trees were ina forest fire it looks kind of cool. (those are Sara's words, I thought it was pretty sad. All the damage that it does. The signs where all melted too, it was eerie.)
Day 13 - mon aug 16
1. Woke UP
2. Sara & Mom had a shower
3Eric & Dad had a shower
4. Starting to take down the tent and get stuff out of it, while Jada is still sleeping
5. Jada woke up.
6. Went for breakfast at Creston Country Family Restuarant. (when we were done eating and in the parking lot getting ready to hit the road again, we saw a ton of old fashion cars pulling matching trailers. They were so cool. Here is a pic of one!)
7. Took Down the tent
8. Got our picture took by a pair of dice. (top picture)
10. Stopped at a goat store were goats go on top of the roof and eat grass. THey also make soap there from goat milk. (the bottom picture above. You can see the grass on the awning.)
11. Went for ice cream in Yahk. (the name of a very small town)
12. Drove to Cranbrook.
13. Went to the information centre and got information on what to do.
14. Drove to 4x4 Adventures
15. Got in GMC Trackers and started to drive up a Mountain. Really bumpy. we were on top of a mountain 7200 feet above sea level. AWESOME!! (the lady who lead the tour also had a 6 year old son who comes along, so Jada had a friend to visit with the whole ride. They both enjoyed each others company.)
Below we have pictures from when we were on top of the mountain. Eric with his nukshuk that he built. It was a beautiful sight. (I think if you click on the pictures you can see them larger!)

Below we have picture of the Trackers. Jada and I rode in the red one with the guide and Casey had Eric & Sara in the black one. At one point the red tracker broke down so we got to stop and have a quick break. The bottom middle picture is of Casey coming down a really steep hill. It doesnt look too bad in the picture, but just so you know, it was freaky steep. We also got to blast though a couple of puddles, but I dont have any good pictures of that. THe whole tour was 4 hours long.
16. Driving to find a Japanese Sushi Place.
17. Found the place called Sakura and the chef made us bul-go-gi special just for us. (It was not on the menu, but we know that is what Jada loves from Miso in Swift, so we asked the owner and he had the chef's make us a dish. It turned out GREAT!! Everything there was bang on good. Reminded us of Miso in Swift. The crunch rolls, bul-go-gi, tempura, teriyaki, and we even tried a new dish which was OK)
18. Went to shoppers drug mart to get medicine because Dad is sick. (Casey got a sinus cold...poor guy)
19. Stopped at husky to get ice.
20. Drove to Wasa Lake to stay the night. (this was an amazing campground. but I dont think I would stay for a long time since there was no showers. but the sites where beautiful)
21. Set up the tent.
22. Had a fire. (The kids finally broke out some glow sticks. and they made our names - and lot of other names too, but here is the pics of ours)
23. WEnt to bed.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Day 12 Sun Aug 15
2. Mom did laundry
3. Dad, Eric, and Sara went to Timmy's and got breakfast for everyone.
4. Talked to the guy who owned the campground and told us stuff that we can do.
5. Drove back to Timmy's to see if they had ginger ale but they didnt.
6. Went to a gas station and got everybody a drink.
7. Went to the glass house. Very cool. (Very interesting. I remember seeing this as a kid, but this time I understood that the glass bottles where old formaldehyde bottles. EWWWW. The guy who built the houses was a mortician, so he used the embalming fluid bottles to build his house. EWWW again. )
Day 11
2. Ate breakfast at Broadway Deli. (They had the most amazing waffles EVER!! With syrup, blueberries, raspberries and whipping cream. Man they were awesome)
3. Driving back to the campsite to shower and take down the tent. (this is how we got the topper closed. Sara had to sit on it. Good team work guys!)