Wednesday, September 30, 2009

A Weekend with Grandma & Grandpa

Two weekends ago, we went to Grandma & Grandpa Welk's place to celebrate Jada's Birthday. ALso, Eric & Nathan got to go to a Calgary Flames game (in Saskatoon) with Grandpa. They had a really fun time. My Mom made Jada this amazing house cake. Jada loved the cake! The candles were fun sparklers.
And the presents were very serious business to open. Jada got playdough!! JOY!!!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Jada's 1st Day of Preschool 2009

So the school year has finally started for all three kids. Sara is in Grade 4 and Eric is now in middle years in Grade 6. What a big step that felt like. Also, Jada started preschool yesterday. (She did go last year as well for half the year, so this is second time around, just with a different teacher) Jada doesnt want to go to "preschool" so she is going to "playtime" with her friends. (That's what we call it now) Here she is all ready to go, and she was actually excited this afternoon. She got to wear her backpack (which was Sara's backpack for preschool back in the day, which Jada thought was really cool that both Sara's name and hers is now on the backpack) The whole walk to school, she chitter chatted my ear off. It was great to see her in a good mood! Here she is finding her name tag with her new teacher, Mrs. Mittleholtz! She was so amazing with the kids.
She ran right to the babies and started playing with some of the other girls. It was great to have a different experience with preschool. Probably b/c she is a bit older and more mature that she is handling it better.
And when I went to pick her up, she was super excited about getting a smelly pencil and sucker from her teacher. The she chatted all the way home again. So proud of you Jada!