(before picture)
It took Casey and I about two months to finaly come to a decision with cupboards and countertop.

So Friday evening started with ripping out the old kitchen. That actually was the scariest part for both Casey and I, but it turned out the go really smoothly. Everything came out without any problems. (Casey might want to include that I did infact put on hole in the wall with the butt end of the hammer. Other than that there was no problems.) No damage to the drywall or ceiling that some paint and sanding wont fix. Casey even let me use the hacksaw to cut off the plumbing under the sink. Yeah for me!!!

We ended our Friday with a picnic on the floor with the kids. Not so healthy chips & dip, and jalepeno cheese & crackers, and grape juice. (OH!!! I really need to add that the flooring is yet to be changed. So the kitchen isnt actually all done. So when you see the nice new pic's remember the floor is not done)
Here the boys have gotten the bottom cupboards all lined up and secured, and now trying to figure out the countertop. Unfortunetly we did have one little chip in the countertop that we caused, but we wont be telling anyone where it is.
And DRUMROLL please.......
BOOM!!! The final kitchen. We gained four inches on both ends of the countertop and what a huge difference this made. We gained countertop space, as well as cupboard space. We also gained the new microwave which has a fan in it. New sink, and new taps (which I LOVE) I cant wait to cook my first meal in this kitchen tonight.This is a close up of the countertop and cupboard. Not the best of pictures, so if you really want to see, you have to come over. (Phone first so I can be dressed :o)
We do have all the small things yet to complete, like painting, changing light fixtures, flooring, adding a plugin for the new microwave....does it ever end!?!
So huge hugs and loves to Casey for working so hard to provide for this big reno. He is an awesome husband.