Sorry that the next pictures are side ways. I still need to figure that feature out on this computer and I am awefully tired and in need of sleep. But at least you get the idea.
First, I'll start with Jada. Yes, she was a lady bug and she has waited to wear that costume for over a month and the day was exciting. She wore it ALL day. She totally got the trick or treating figured out. After every house, she just would say "another house", and off her and Eric would go (Sara was already out with other friends). Now trying to get Jada to say thank you at each house was a challenge. She doesnt like to talk to people, and when I confronted her on her level and told her she NEEDED to say thank you, she just replied "I was too scared to say thank you to that man" Okay, valid! Eric was good at encouraging her to say it, and she did to the ladies who handed out candy, but not the men. Once her little bag was full we came home and she just looked with big eyes and said "look at all my treat".
Sara was a High School Musical Cheer Leader. She went to a friends house right after school and then I picked her and some friends up after supper to continue on with their trick or treatin. She was a running and full of spunk tonight.