Here is Lily waggin her tail. She does this when she is happy, just like a dog.
Monday, June 30, 2008
4 more days...
of kittens that is. This Friday they turn 6 weeks old and that means they are going to new homes. I will miss them, but did I ever mention that we are keeping one.?! I know I did. So here they all are trying to cuddle up ontop of a cat house. Now, it's not very big, but they all managed to get up there, even if parts of them are hanging off the edge.

One tidbit of info, Lily (the one we are keeping, she is squished up against the wall) wags her tail like a dog. Now normally when a cat wags her tail it means she's mad....but not Lily. When she is playing with anything, anyone, anytime, she is waggin her tail. It is so cute. I have a video and I am going to try to upload it. Now bear with me, I tried to upload a video one other time and it took forever and then it errored on me. So frustrated.
(oh and I just noticed that you can see my horrible bathroom lino. Please pretend that it is a nice slate looking floor in a neutral color. Thanks)
Sunday at the Lake
Sunday we went out to Lac Pelletier and it was so beautiful there. I'm sure it was hotter in Gull Lake so we were so thankful to be at the lake to play in the water. But you know what happens when you take three kids + a lake full of WATER
+ the beach full of SAND
and you get = MUD PUDDLES. YIPPEEE!!
On our side of the lake at the dock at my Uncle Ron's and Aunti Barb's cabin, they have all kinds of water toys. Eric and Sara enjoyed the boat & dingy. Though once they both hoped into the boat it was the perfect time for Mom to jump in the water to tip them over. Well, I never tipped them all the way, but filled the boat with enough water for them to finally be WET. When I jumped in, I unfortunetly hit a big, sharp rock and now have a gash on the bottom of my foot. It hurts, boo hoo for me. But it was so worth it to be able to spend some time with Eric and Sara in the water.
Chillin on the water front, drying off.

Thursday, June 26, 2008
Kittens & Last Day of School
So the kittens will be 5 weeks old tomorrow. Whow, I just had to get up and go check that on the calendar. I cant believe that they will only be here for 1 more week. Casey is happy about that, since his allergies are driving him crazy. I however will miss watching them grow, play, run and jump. They are so active now. They are eating solid food, and pooping in the litter box, though one is still having accidents on the floor.
While sitting in there playing with them, three of them came and currled up on my legs and fell asleep. So sweet.
And last night to mark the end of the school year, we had a evening fire, filled up our outdoor paddling pool, and hung out with the kids. Sara had Brittney over for a sleep over and Kate just came to hang out for the evening.
When it became too cool to swim, we pulled out the beach blanket, pencil boxes & left over paper from school and sat outside by the fire and drew pictures. It was so relaxing. Even Rhyme (our cat) layed by the kids relaxing.
Tomorrow is report card pick up and I cant believe my Eric will be going into Grade 5. AHHHHHH!!!!!!! When did he get so big.
While sitting in there playing with them, three of them came and currled up on my legs and fell asleep. So sweet.

And last night to mark the end of the school year, we had a evening fire, filled up our outdoor paddling pool, and hung out with the kids. Sara had Brittney over for a sleep over and Kate just came to hang out for the evening.
When it became too cool to swim, we pulled out the beach blanket, pencil boxes & left over paper from school and sat outside by the fire and drew pictures. It was so relaxing. Even Rhyme (our cat) layed by the kids relaxing.

Sara year end program
Sara's year end program was all about dinosaurs. They all had made 'head gear' to represent a dinosaur. They even got to go to Saskatoon to see "Walking with Dinosaurs, the live experience" for their field trip and Casey said it was an amazing show. Unfortunetly, the lighting in the music room is terrible and my pictures never turn out. So if you look careful, Sara is in both of these pictures. They did poems about dinosaurs, a play, and a song. They were so cute. I cant believe my girl is going into Grade 3 next year.

Toddler Pool Fun
A Fancy Purple Dress!!!
Jada has been asking to wear this "fancy purple dress with a bow" all winter long, and I kept telling her that when it is hot outside then she can wear it....well it has been HOT and she got to wear it. She was so happy. She even wore it to Eric's baseball game the other day. She's my girlie-girl.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Eric and his eye
We were swimming on Saturday afternoon, and Eric was underwater swimming when a kid kicked him in the eye. OUCH!!!! It hurt a lot, (so he said). He kept swimming. An hour later at home his eyes are really red (normal from the chlorine), but his left eye has these blood spots on them and whenever his eye starts to tear, it REALLY HURTS. Uh - Oh. My mommy instinct starts dinging and I think it's time to take him to see the Doctor. So off we go, they freeze his eye, put in this really cool orange dye, and the DR. looks at it with a blue light. WELL, low and behold appears a florescnet green streak across this eye onto his cornea. There is the scratch, big and painful looking. (Maybe in the shape of a toenail?) So eye drops for him, sunglasses outside. And the coolest by his standard was the neon green snot coming from his nose. It's amazing how fast eyes heal though. By the next evening, his cornea is clear of the scratch (refroze and dyed again, and now his snot is orange), now the white of his eye is still healing, but so fast.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
2nd teacher gift
Finally, I decided what I was going to make for Miss Eppich. Here is the inside filled with a couple of little goodies. Hand lotion and chocolate. Perfect combination in my opinion.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Happy Birthday Nathan!!
My little brother, Nathan turns 14 today! Nathan is going past Gull Lake today on his way to camp at Cypress with a school group(from Assiniboia) , so my mom found out around when they would be going by. So hopefully soon, they will be driving down the #1 highway and this is what they will see.......

Monday, June 16, 2008
Got the camper to the Lake!!!
This Saturday we loaded up our camper and headed out to Lake Pelletier to park it for the summer! It felt so good to get it out there. Here the kids are all loaded up in the trailer for the ride out. We had our neice Kate, and Sara`s friend, Taylor with us as well.
Once we got out there, the rain came in spurts. So when the sun shone even for 10 minutes we were outside playing away. Here I was trying to learn how to do chinese skipping. Sara sure got a laugh out of me.
Here the girls whre showing me how it really was done. They did a great job. Jada just had to be in there with them, thinking she was doing it too. Usually she was just creating chaos.
Out for a walk down to Camp Lemieux (spelling not sure). I use to make this walk as a kid with my cousins ALL the time. We would see how close we could get to the camp without actually disturbing it.
And of course, Eric is in a tree. Something that his Uncle Nathan has sure been a big influence with. He`s got the skipping ropes hooked up there and the girls where swinging off the picnic table and landing on the ground. (Eric actually ended up getting a tick in his hair that we later found and had to pull out. We figure this is when he got it. Ouch)
So we only spend the one day out there, and we were sure sad to leave again. But summer, here we come.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Teacher Gift #1
Today I have been working on gifts for the kids teachers. One is finally done. This one is for Mrs. Ruetz (pronounced Ritz). This is what it looks like closed.
and here you can see the inside. It contains four thank you cards and matching envelopes.
Here are the four cards that are inside.

I forgot to take a picture of what it looks like when you untie all four sides. It is so pretty. Thanks to Lauren M (her blog is listed in my favorite places to go, My Time...). She has been a huge insiration to getting me back downstairs and at my cards..
So one down and one to go. Hopefully it is still raining (did I just say that) and I can go back downstairs. Jada and Lexi and loving being down there with all new toys to play with.
Kitten are 18 days old

They are starting to really walk around in their box now and when you go into my room they all look up at you and start meowing and trying to climb out, so I bet this coming week is going to be a fun and busy one.
My first instinct was to start this post with "SO", and then realized I maybe start that way a lot, so here is to something new.....

He is the one with red hair, right in the middle.
My Mom sang in a trio for the offering special music. She is the one on the far left. Love her so much too!

A pic of me with my kidlets. Love them so much I could eat them up!!!!
My Uncle Fred & Auntie Sherry came down for it as well. It was so nice to see them for a bit too.

On Sunday, my younger brother Nathan got Confirmed in the Luthern Church in Assiniboia. (Hard to believe he is almost 14). I must be getting old, b/c I was 14 when he was born. Huh.
He is the one with red hair, right in the middle.

A pic of me with my kidlets. Love them so much I could eat them up!!!!

Grandma's House
So, First I will share about the weekend at my Mom's house. The kids had fun playing badminton in the quonset, okay I had fun too! :o) The pictures where too dark to share.
Jada enjoyed looking for fish in Grandpa's waterfall/fish pond.
Monday, June 9, 2008
Yes, I have posts coming!!
Life can be busy here in a house of 5.
I (Shayne) was at my mom's in Assiniboia over the weekend and Casey was at home hosting a birthday party for his mom. So it was action packed.
Pictures and info are coming, please be patient. (Colleen, I know you are checking)
Tonight instead of blogging, I worked in my garden and cut the grass. So, tomorrow, since it should be raining and yucky, I will have a day at the computer.
I (Shayne) was at my mom's in Assiniboia over the weekend and Casey was at home hosting a birthday party for his mom. So it was action packed.
Pictures and info are coming, please be patient. (Colleen, I know you are checking)
Tonight instead of blogging, I worked in my garden and cut the grass. So, tomorrow, since it should be raining and yucky, I will have a day at the computer.
Thursday, June 5, 2008
another big fish
So Casey took Eric and Sara out to Ducks to go fishing last night and Eric caught another HUGE jackfish. Probably 9lbs. The neighbor taught Casey how to fillet it properly, and it is now in Grandma Harvey's deep freeze waiting for other fish to join it so we can do some canning. I guess if you can it with ketchup and vinegar it tastes just like salmon. we will see..
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Me & My Girls
So after being at the Prescesky's house two days in a row, and Jada just loving William's train set, we decided to get her some train track pieces. We are in Wal-Mart and had the Thomas train set in our cart when we proceeded to find the exact same train tracks and trains but in DORA.....
....she was so excited. So first thing this morning we put it together and she LOVES it. The Dora car for it is motorized, so when you push Dora down she drives around the track by herself. It's really fun. But when it stops, Jada asks Eric to 'juice it up'. It was so cute.

Kitten update

Kittens are now purring. And hissing when you first come to the box. It is so cute. Rhyme brought me a kitten at 430 this morning and did her usually meowing marathon for a while. Then at 630 I could hear kittens meowing in the distance and I caught her carrying her third kitten UNDER JADA'S BED!!!! So I had to climb under her bed at 630 and pull out these kittens. So now they are in my closet hidden under my hanging clothes and the door partially closed. Hopefully she feels better tonight about their location. I'm gettin tired. :o)
So Saturday was so hot and beautiful here that we spent all morning outside. Complete with a picnic lunch.
Here is Sara and Jada sitting on my beautiful picnic blanket from my mom. Thanks a bunch Mom!
Royal (our nephew) came over and hung out with us all morning as well. It was great fun.
Eric spent his Saturday out at Duck's Unlimited (a lake close to Gull Lake) and went fishing with his buddies, Daniel, Riley, and Josh and they caught some nice fish. Eric caught the biggest jack at around 9lbs (bursting with pride here:o)
Eric's fish was so heavey it took three of the boys to hold it.

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