Oh my goodness. This morning as I was looking for an empty flash drive to put some stuff on, we found quite a few old ones from many years ago. So our brains started taking a walk down memory land, especially with our trips to BC. Now we have the itch to take our tent and hit the road. No agenda, no plans just us 5, our tent and a whole bunch of excitement and adventures to be found. So that made me remember that I had started this blog to keep our BC trip memories (and other memories) available to be seen for years. So, YES, we are going on our trip again this summer. So hopefully I will be able to get back to this blog so we can look back in many years and have these memories again.
Sunday, April 13, 2014
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Happy 5th Birthday Jada
Jada had 2 small parties and one large friends party.
So top collage we have in the top left, Grandpa holding Jada while she is blowing out her candle while Jill watches. Top right, Jada is opening her present from Uncle Brian & Jill. Bottom left is the quad that we bought Jada for her birthday and bottom two left are Jada opening her gift from Grandma & Grandpa Welk.
This collage is full of the fun we had with all the kids from her class. We played a lot of fun games with balloons. Eric was a great help during this time. Thanks Eric. Presents where opened as well in this large circle group.Then there was cake and singing. This group of kids was amazingly behaved.

Happy Birthday to my special 5 year old.
Retro Dance
My cousin Stephanie was gracious enough to lend me a bunch of dance costumes from when she was young. Can you guess what era she was young in? The kids had so much fun trying all these costumes on!!! Jada loved this blue outfit. She wanted to wear this all day long. She even wanted to wear it for halloween.
Mamma Mia
Thanksgiving Sunday we (Casey, Shayne, Eric, Sara, Jada, Grandma & Grandpa Welk, and Uncle Nathan) all went to see Mamma Mia in Regina. First stop was of course the Mongoli Grill. It is a favorite of ours.
Jada sat beside Grandma (which is of no surprise) and everyone else was down the line. The big kids wouldnt hold still long enough for me to take a picture. Since you arent allowed camera's in there I was trying to be sneaky.More of Trooper
Well the little Trooper is growing and exploring so much more. She comes and goes up the stairs and all around the house as she pleases these days. Her and Copper are becoming friends. Copper wants to play with her non-stop and follows her around ALL day long. Trooper is starting to respond back and play. The hisses are getting less and less. Copper is the happiest if she is biting him, whether it is on the face or paws. He just lays right down and holds really still. It is so precious.
Trooper can fall asleep at the drop of a hat too. She is very trusting of everyone and will expose her belly. Yes, in the picture below she is on the table enjoying some cat milk & kitten food. and No I do not let her up there anymore. And then the bottom right picture is Lilly enjoying a belly rub from Jada.
Fall Skate School
This fall, Sara was involved in Swift Currents Fall Skate School. It is a great time to get your feet "wet" again before the season starts. She has a lot of fun during these times with her friends. She is wearing the ivory shirt in the collage below. I dont know what this jump is called, but she has been working very hard to get it mastered. Still not there yet, but working on it.
Below are some stretching and just hanging out and watching.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Fabulous Fall
I love the fall! And my kids love the fall. There is so much fun to be had when all the leaves start falling off the trees. And this year, it was one day green leaves, next yellow, and then the next day they where laying on the ground. The kids have always bagged as many leaves as they can and build a fort either in our yard or the yard across the street. This year it is across the street and I think the last time a count of bags was brought in was close to 100. They even go along the streets to collect leaves. Shovels and wagons are used as well. This year, Jada got a power wheels quad for her birthday, so the wagon was tied up to the back, and she was in charge of hauling the loads home.
It's been two years since I have had a nice picture of the kids in the leaves, and this year Eric only let me take one, Sara a couple, but I'm sure that Jada wouldve posed for me all day, but here are a few highlights.

The bags where originally lined up to be football lines, and the kids where tackling them. But it has since been built to a fort. I will have to get a good picture of that and add it on here. I think Copper has just as much fun as the kids do. I would have to say that fall is his favorite time too.
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